by Gavin Perrett, Property Sourcer for Prosperitas Property
Following months of uncertainty in a year that many of us will be keen to leave behind a glimmer of hope has now emerged.
Our 3 Good Reasons to be Optimistic
The recent announcement of a vaccine for Covid with a 90% success rate
Continuation of the Furlough scheme until March to protect income
A pro-Europe US President making the prospect of a Brexit deal more likely
Covid vaccine: Pfizer says drug more than 90% effective in preventing infection
Following months of uncertainty in a year that many of us will be keen to leave behind a glimmer of hope has now emerged. The announcement that Pharmaceutical giant Pfizer has created a Covid vaccine with a 90% success rate has sent markets rallying and sent a flood of much longed-for optimism across the whole world.
In a year when encouraging news has been in woefully short supply, this comes as welcome news. Even if the rollout takes the whole of 2021 to reach the whole planet it offers light at the end of the tunnel and an end date upon which to direct our hopes and optimism. "U.S. pharmaceutical giant Pfizer and German biotech firm BioNTech announced Monday their coronavirus vaccine was more than 90% effective in preventing Covid-19 among those without evidence of prior in… Read more"
This Pfizer vaccine development, along with others also recently announced from Moderna and the University of Oxford / AstraZeneca, a post Covid-19 future is starting to look a lot closer. Here in the UK, the furlough scheme has been extended to the end of March.
This is incredibly important in light of the vaccine announcement as the two announcements go very much hand in hand. We can move forward into 2021 with confidence safe in the knowledge that a large proportion of incomes are being protected whilst a vaccine with a very high success rate has been put forward for fairly immediate rollout. "People and businesses across the UK are being provided with additional financial support as part of the government’s plan for the next phase of its response to the coronavirus outbreak, the Prime Minister… Read more" Across the pond, in the USA, they have a new President with a collaborative approach to global relationships.
Regardless of whether we are left or right-leaning many economists and political scientists are of the opinion that as a pro-Europe President his influence on the UK government to maintain a healthy relationship with the EU will be determined and effective. Put all three of these factors together and we can ostensibly look forward with a healthy degree of optimism for 2021. This sense of optimism is likely to filter through to the wider economy and of course the UK property market.
January is always a bustling time for the UK property market and after a car crash of a year in 2020 it is not difficult to envisage an energetic start to the year with a clear focus on making positive progress.
Our message at Prosperitas Property is to move forward with your investment plans and do so with confidence.
Property is a long term investment and resilient enough to shake off the rigours of unexpected trauma. As long as you are clear on your strategy, are focused, and are supported by the right team of professionals then you can leave behind a very difficult year and assertively progress your property investment business.
If ever you have doubts about your portfolio; and of course you will, remind yourself why you are doing it! Early retirement, children’s education, phased retirement, leaving your job behind, or helping your child get onto the property ladder. These are your non-negotiable reasons “why” and with these at the forefront of your mind your doubts will soon disperse and be replaced with confidence.
May we take this opportunity to wish you, your family and your friends a very Happy, Peaceful, Prosperous, and above all....Healthy 2021!
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All financial advice is provided by other regulated businesses.