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Professional Introducers Club - Introductory Email 4

How Can The Professional Introducers Club Help Your Business To Thrive?

Professional Introducers Club - Email Ba

This is the fourth & final email in our "Introduction to The Professional Introducers Club" series.

We thought that we might conclude our series of four emails by doing a quick recap of our previous three messages.

Rather than repeat all of the emails here, we thought it might be a better idea to provide you with links where you can review the emails already sent to you.  Please follow the links below to view each of the emails.


Attractive Benefits For Your Clients - An Annual Income For Your Business

What Makes The Professional Introducers Club Perfect For Your Business?

You Insist on The Best For Your Clients & So Do We!

We also wanted to give you a flavour of some of the kinds of support we can provide to help your business thrive in todays increasingly competitive and economically difficult times.

The Kind of Support You Can Expect From The Professional Introducers Club

Dedicated Support From a Club Relationship Manager
You will receive regular contact and ongoing support from your own dedicated

Relationship Manager from our talented team.

Your Relationship Manager will work closely with you to make sure that you

receive the best possible support from Ancojada, helping you to access the

various services that are available to you as well as dealing with your clients

enquiries; either supoporting you or, if you prefer, dealing directly with the


Campaign & Marketing Support
We offer expertise and support with marketing the Ancojada Network services to your clients.

Whether it be help with email creation and distribution, social media content, regular news articles or even online or face to face presentations, we have the capability to help you engage your clients more effectively.









Monthly Financial Newsletter Branded For Your Company
We produce a regular monthly newsletter called "Money Matters", providing interesting and thought provoking articles from across the various areas of financial services, from insurance to wills, through mortgages to pensions and investments.












These newsletters are primarily distributed online and can be branded with your own company logo for you to distribute to your clients.


Regular Networking & CPD Events
We hold regular meetings (currently online only due to the Covid 19 Pandemic) at which we invite specialists from our team and external service companies to provide training on the various services that we offer.

These meetings are popular with our team and give us a chance to meet and share ideas and experiences, as well as receiving training and CPD opportunities on a regular basis.


Meetings currently take place quarterly and our intention, once the Covid issue has ceased and confidence has returned, is to hold "physical" meetings once every six months.

These are just a few of the ways in which we can support you as a member of the Professional Introducers Club in working with Ancojada.

Naturally though, we expect you will want to find out a lot more about Ancojada, its network of companies, and how we could support you in this endeavour before considering working with us.

Your Invitation - Find out more by attending one of our online events.

We would therefore like to invite you to attend one of our “Professional Introducers Club” Events.

During the event you will learn about how you could;

         Access Our network of Professional Advice Firms For Your Clients
         Earn Generous Introducer Fees (Both Initial & Ongoing)
         Receive Dedicated Support From a Club Relationship Manager

         Benefit From Campaign & Marketing Support

         Have a Monthly Financial Newsletter Branded For Your Company

         Attend Regular Networking & CPD Events

         Increase Your Business Turnover & Profit

         Enhance Client Retention

         Crucially, Receive an Absolute No Cross Selling Guarantee

         How You Can Join The Club FREE OF CHARGE!


Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, all of our events are currently being held online via Zoom and these meetings are held periodically based on demand.









Click Here to Reserve Your Place
on one of our upcoming events.


We look forward to hearing from you and hopefully to welcoming you at one of our online events in the very near future.

Yours sincerely,

David Robertson
Tel. 01323 818272‬


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Professional Introducers Club - Email Si
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